Page 11 - Mann Ki Baat, October 2022
P. 11

this launching, from Kashmir to   Non-Government companies   solved many challenges and have   many of our students are engaged
 Kanyakumari and from Kutch   are  also getting  the  facility   given new solutions to the country.  in developing new technology
 to Kohima, in the whole country,   to launch their payloads and   Friends, you may remember,   related to them. Several IITs are also
 digital connectivity will be further   satellites  through  IN-SPACe.  I had called for ‘Jai Anusandhan’   working together on a multilingual
 strengthened. With the help of   I would urge more and more   from the Red Fort. I had also talked   project that makes learning local
 this, even the remotest areas will   start-ups and innovators to take   about making this decade the   languages easier. This project will
 be more easily connected with   full advantage of these huge   Techade of India. I loved seeing   help the new National Education
 the rest of the country. When   opportunities being created in   this; our IIT students have also   Policy a lot in achieving those goals
 the country is self-reliant, how it   India in the Space sector.  taken over its command. This   as well. You will also be happy
 reaches new heights of success –   month, on 14-15 October, all 23 IITs   to know that IIT Madras and IIT
 this is also an example of this. While   My dear countrymen, when it   came on one platform for the first   Kanpur have played a leading role
 talking to you, I also remember   comes to students, youth power,   time to showcase their innovations   in preparing India’s indigenous 5G
 those old days, when India was   leadership roles, many outdated   and  research  projects.  In  this  fair,   testbed. This is certainly a great
 denied the Cryogenic Rocket   stereotypes  have  become  students and researchers who   start.  I hope to see many more
 Technology. The scientists of India   ingrained in our minds. Many a   came from all over the country,   such efforts in the times to come.
 not only developed indigenous   times we see that when student   displayed more than 75 great   I also hope that taking inspiration
 technology, but today with the help   power is referred to, its scope is   projects. Healthcare, Agriculture,   from IITs, other institutions will
 of it, dozens of satellites are being   limited by linking it with the student   Robotics,  Semiconductors,  5G  also step up their R&D activities.
 sent to space simultaneously. With   union elections. But the scope of   Communications— these projects
 this launching, India has emerged   student power is very big, very   were made on many such themes.   My  dear  countrymen,
 as a strong player in the global   vast. Student power is the basis   Although all these projects were   sensitivity towards the environment
 commercial market…with this, new   of making India powerful. After   one better than the other, I want   is embedded in every part of our
 doors  of opportunities  have also   all, it’s the youth of today who will   to draw your attention to some   society and we can feel it all around
 opened up for India.  take India towards 2047. When   projects. For example, a team from   us. There is no dearth of people in
 Friends,  our country, which   India celebrates her centenary,   IIT Bhubaneswar has developed   the country who spend a lifetime in
 is moving with the resolve of a   this power of youth, their hard   a portable ventilator for new born   the protection of the environment.
 developed India, can achieve   work, their sweat, their talent, will   babies. It runs on battery and can   We can also learn a lot from
 its goals only with the efforts of   take India to the heights that the   be used easily in remote areas.   Suresh Kumar ji, who lives in
 everyone. Earlier in India, the Space   country is resolving today. The way   This can prove to be very helpful   Bengaluru, Karnataka, he has a
 sector  was  confined  within  the   our youth of today are working   in saving the lives of babies who   great passion for protecting nature
 purview of Government systems.   for the country, and have joined   are born prematurely. Be it electric   and environment. Around 20 years
 Since the space sector was opened   nation  building,  makes  me  filled   mobility, drone technology, 5G,   ago, he had taken the initiative to
 for the youth of India and for   with confidence. The way our youth
 India's private sector, revolutionary   solve problems in hackathons, stay
 changes have started coming   awake all night and work for hours,   JAI ANUSANDHAN
 in it. Indian industries and start-  is  very inspiring. A  hackathon
 ups are engaged in bringing new   held in recent years, with lakhs of
 innovations and new technologies   youth of the country together have   Making this Decade the Techade of India
 in  this  field.  In  particular,  the
 collaboration of IN-SPACe is going
 to make a big difference in this




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