Page 24 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 24


                                           related  to   launch   vehicle,
                                           spacecraft,  ground    systems
                                           which   provide   space-based
                                           services to common people of
                                           the country. India became one
                                           among the outstanding space
                                           fairing nations globally. Now, the
                                           safety, security and quality of
                                           life of each and every common
                                           man of India is closely linked with
                                           space technologies.
                                           Having achieved the original
                Dr. K. Sivan               vision, the Prime Minister had a
                                           greater vision of unlocking India’s
         Former Secretary, Department of
                                           potential in space  sector. This
           Space, Government of India
                                           vision is far-sighted with the aim
                                           of using space technologies for
                                           faster national development, to
                                           increase the India’s contribution
                                           in space economy as well as to
        During 1960s, space activities     establish India as a global leader
        in India were initiated with       in space area.
        a vision of applying space-
                                           ISRO alone cannot achieve this
        based   technologies   for  the
                                           global vision. Therefore, the Prime
        national development.  Space
                                           Minister had the path breaking
        technologies were used as a very
                                           idea of utilizing the entire youth
        strong and efficient tool to ensure
                                           power of the nation, by unlocking
        that the advanced technologies
                                           the  space   sector  to  Non-
        reach and benefit each and every
                                           Governmental   Private  Entities
        common man of the country,
                                           (NGPEs), which include private
        especially people from unserved    industries, start-ups, academia,
        and underserved areas, thus        etc.
        furthering nation building and
                                           But space activities by private
        national development.
                                           industries  have   their  own
        In order to achieve this vision,   risks, complexities and capital
        the Government of India owned      intensive. The Government has
        the space programme of the         taken all the steps to reduce the
        nation and ISRO had  developed     fear of risk, complexities and to do
        all the infrastructures as well    the space business at ease with
        as   technologies  indigenously    the private industries.
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