Page 39 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 39

which they would not have got      have taken to sports seriously is
        otherwise.                         a result of the vision of PM and
                                           his continuous effort to untiringly
        The chosen ‘Khelo India Athletes’,
        or KIAs as they are called, get an   inspire the youth of India. As the
                                           Prime Minister said, "Sports are an
        allowance of Rs 10,000 per month
        to spend on their personal needs   important means of personality
        like diet, sports gear and travel   development...  Sports  should
        costs to participate in competitive   occupy a central place in the lives
        events. This is in addition to Rs   of our youth..."
        5 lakh that is spent on each of    What has motivated the youth
        them every year for their training,   of India, most of them from very
        board and lodging, and coaching    humble backgrounds, to actually
        at a Khelo India Academy or a SAI
                                           turn out in large numbers to
        Centre.                            participate at a national-level
        This  360-degree   support   to    sporting event like Khelo India is
        grassroots-level athletes and the   not just about their love for sports
        robust enthusiasm with which so    or the possibility of proving their
        many young men and women           talent and thus build a future in

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