Page 73 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 73

Sultaan se Sur-Taan:
                      The Rejuvenation Story

        An    important    architectural   become old, it won’t have any
        element that served water and      use. We did a music festival there,
        was celebrated over the arid       where  we  called artists,  who
        regions of India was Baori, the    painted in tune with the music.
        stepwell. One such marvel is       This way, it sank in the hearts of
        ‘Sultan ki Baori’, hundreds of years   the villagers that this place is
        old step well in Bedla village of   their cultural centre, which they
        Udaipur, Rajasthan, built by Rao   can use for various purposes,”
        Sultan Singh. But, due to neglect,   he said. Baori has become the
        gradually this place became        talk of the town and it has awed
        deserted and turned into a pile of   even foreigner visitors, including
        garbage. But, one day, a group of   a delegation from Japan and
        youth accidentally came across it   Denmark and world-renowned
        and seeing its sad state, took it in   architect Mr. Bill Bensley.
        their hands to restore, revive and   Shri Amit Gaurav, architect, ASAP
        rejuvenate the Baori. It was their   Academic  Foundation  further
        determination and hard work,       added,  “Seeing its condition, the
        which brought the people of the    idea of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
        village together and changed the   came to our mind and we started
        picture of the stepwell.
                                           its restoration work. No one could
        They  called their mission  ‘Sultan   have imagined that the stepwell
        se Sur-Taan’. Shri  Sunil S. Ladha,   could become  a tourist  spot.
        architect,   ASAP    Academic      There are thousands of lakhs of
        Foundation, and one of the         stepwells in our country and we
        leaders of the initiative, tells how   must start a campaign to bring
        the stepwell fascinated them and   them alive.” He expressed his
        upon exploring its history, they   gratitude to the Prime Minister
        found that its name was actually   and said,  “We started this work
        Sur Taan Baori. They not just      from our heart but we never
        rejuvenated the stepwell but also   thought that the Prime Minister
        created an alternate use for it so   would  appreciate it. It is  a  great
        it doesn’t die away again. “Since   inspiration. Because of him,
        water is now available at homes    perhaps this small initiative will
        through taps, the stepwell will    turn into a huge one.”

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