Page 59 - Putting Farmers First
P. 59

Standing with farmers in times of need

        To ensure that relief measures cover more farmers
        in their times of distress, major changes were made
        in disaster relief standards.

        Assistance amount of all categories was increased
        by one and a half times.
        The eligibility for assistance during distress situations
        was raised from one hectare to two hectares,
        bringing more farmers into the safety net.

        Government showed sensitivity to farmers in distress
        by  paying full minimum support price for food
        grains damaged due to excessive rainfall.

        Provision to SDRF saw a jump of 82% for the 5-year
        period 2015-20, as compared to the 5-year period
        between 2010-15. It went up to Rs 61,220 crore from
        Rs 33,580.93 crore.

              FEATURE              EARLIER               NOW

             Percentage of
           crop loss for which   50% or above       33% or above
         compensation is paid
          Amount paid to the
          kin of the victims of   Rs 1.5 lakh          Rs 4 lakh
            natural disasters

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