Page 65 - Putting Farmers First
P. 65

Comparison of earlier crop insurance

                       with PM Fasal Bima Yojana

                                       EARLIER             PRADHAN
              FEATURE                    CROP                MANTRI
                                     INSURANCE            FASAL BIMA
                                      Premium capped
                                      at 9-13% of sum
               Capping on             insured leading    No cap on premium.
          Premium /Sum Insured        to proportional     Farmers get claim
                                     reduction in sum      against full sum
                                       insured above           insured
                                     capped premium

                                                         No. Even if balance
       Upper limit on government            Yes           premium is 90%,
                subsidy                                   government pays

                                                          All non-preventable
                         Area        Natural risk on      natural risk of crop
                       approach      Standing crops       cycle – Pre sowing to
           Risk                                              post harvest
         Coverage                                         Hailstorm, landslide,
                       Plot level    Hailstorm, landslide,  inundation, Cloud
                     Assessment                           burst , natural fire

        Post-harvest Losses coverage  Only coastal areas  All India – for cyclonic
                                      -for cyclonic rain  unseasonal rain and
                                                             hail storm

        Use of Technology for quicker     Ad Hoc             Mandatory
             claim settlement

                                      Considered a larger   Unit of Insurance
          For extremely localized    reference unit area   for loss assessment
       calamities or post-harvest losses  rather than the   is the affected
                                      affected insured    insured field of the
                                    field of the individual   individual farmer

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