Page 74 - Putting Farmers First
P. 74

Pulses procurement shows Modi

              government’s way of resolving

              The previous government had created a triple
              whammy for the people of the country.

              First, they did not promote the growth of
              pulses sufficiently, which meant an important
              nutritional crop was missing from the picture.

              Whatever was  grown, was not procured  from
              farmers sufficiently either. They bought very
              low quantities of pulses from farmers.

              When the demand for pulses went up, India
              had to import pulses from foreign countries,
              raising prices for common consumers.

              The country lost precious foreign exchange to
              imports, consumers ended up paying more, the
              poor had to bear the burden of rising prices
              and farmers did not get much in the way of
              MSP payments either.

              Modi government reversed this situation with a
              knack for problem resolution.

              The government increased the MSP of pulses
              and ramped  up procurement  to many  times
              more  than  the  previous  government.  This
              meant more money in the hands of farmers.

              Availability of pulses went up which meant
              prices came down for consumers and the poor.

              India also saved money which was earlier being
              spent to import pulses.

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