Page 86 - Putting Farmers First
P. 86



              It  is  well  known  worldwide  that  farm
              produce,  especially  food  related  produce,
              becomes  much  more  valuable  with
              value addition such as food processing,
              packaging, etc. The income that a processed
              product can bring is vastly greater than the
              income that the raw product brings.

              For such value addition to happen,
              Modi      government        has     created      a
              processing ecosystem such as food parks,
              agro-processing industries, startups, etc.
              Additionally, logistical support through
              supply  chain  links  such  as  cold storages,
              warehouses and other such infrastructure
              is also happening.

              Modi government has devoted special
              attention     towards      creating     farmgate
              infrastructure through an Agri Infra Fund.

              Farmer producer organisations bring
              farmers together and provide them a
              greater say in their future. 10,000 such
              FPOs are being created.

              Such an ecosystem with a wide variety
              of opportunities from startups to food
              parks, cold storages to mechanisation, also
              provide employment and entrepreneurship
              opportunities to rural youth.

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