Page 57 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 57

Pilgrimage   or  the   practice
        of journeying to sites where
        religious  powers,  knowledge,
        or  experiences  are   deemed
        accessible  has  found  its earliest
        references in ancient scriptures
        like Rigveda and Puranas. It is a
        ritual that involves reaching such
        destinations with preliminary vows
        and fasting, intensive cooperative
        efforts among different pilgrim
        groups, extensive travelling on
        foot, and the constant singing of
        devotional songs that keep their
        energy levels on a high during
        this transcendental journey. What
        is important to note here is that
        these pilgrimages signify more
        than just the movement of a
        person from one place to another.
        For our sages, a pilgrimage was
        important as an exploration of
        inner and outer self.
        For pilgrims, it is more than
        merely  visiting  the  shrines and
        sanctums. It is also an important
        gateway of cultural exploration, a
        conquest for moral and spiritual
        significance   intertwined   with
        a curiosity of knowing about
        other  pilgrims, lands,  culture  and
        traditions. The Char Dham Yatra is   to pull the three wooden chariots
        a perfect example of the collective   carrying Lord Jagannath and his
        consciousness of Indians. The high   siblings.
        altitude yatra opens during the
                                           The present Government is aware
        summer months of April or May      of the importance of religious
        and goes on till October. In 2019, it
                                           tourism not only as an economic
        witnessed a footfall of more than   enabler but also  as  a  tool to
        34 lakh pilgrims from all around
                                           ensure   communal     harmony.
        India. This year, the numbers have
        already touched the 16 lakh mark   The Ministry of Tourism under
                                           its Swadesh Darshan Scheme is
        in  its  first  month.  Another  great
        example is the Jagannath Yatra in   developing tourism infrastructure
        Puri that began on 1  of July 2022,   in the identified circuits, across the
        after a break of two years due to   country, having tourist potential in
        COVID restrictions. More than 10   a planned and prioritized manner.
        lakh devotees from across the      Under the scheme, fifteen thematic
        country thronged temple town       circuits  have  been  identified  for

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