Page 19 - Putting Farmers First
P. 19

S.No.       Before Reforms             After Reforms
         7.     Freedom to sell fruits    This freedom is now
                and vegetables outside of   extended to all agri produce
                APMC mandi existed in     and all over the country
                some states
         8.     Small land holders did not  Empowered to access
                have scale and bargaining   modern input, services and
                power in input and output  protection against price risk
                markets                   Farmer Producer
                                          Organisations help small
                                          farmers’ organise for better
                                          bargaining power
         9.     Contract farming          Contract farming now
                restricted only to some   nationally enabled and on
                pockets                   terms favourable to farmers

         10.    Farmers not part of value   Farmers will now be
                chains                    partners in value chain

         11.    Exports getting           Export competitiveness
                uncompetitive due to long  will increase and benefit
                chain of intermediaries   farmers
                and poor logistics

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