Page 24 - Putting Farmers First
P. 24

MYTH AND REALITY                  The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation),
                                                  Act, 2020 – Freedom to Sell Farm Produce Across India

       S. No           MYTH                        REALITY
       1      a.  “Farmers will not get   MSP system stays. In fact, the Modi
                 the MSP”             government has increased MSPs
              b.  “It may eventually   multiple times and also procured
                                      more from farmers at MSP than any
                 end MSP based        past government
                 procurement system”
              c.  “MSP operations will   The new law will not affect
                 discontinue”         MSPs adversely. MSP purchase
                                      on agricultural produce is done
                                      through State Agencies and there is
                                      no change in this due to this law
                                      MSP procurement from farmers
                                      is the top priority of the present
                                      Government and it will continue to
                                      be so

       2      “Trade & Commerce Act   This Act is not intended to replace
              will replace the State   the State APMC Act and does not
              APMC Act and affect     affect the functioning of the APMCs
              the functioning of the   APMCs will continue to regulate the
              APMCs”                  marketing of agricultural produce
                                      within the physical boundaries of
                                      market yards. They can levy market
                                      fee within physical mandi as per
                                      their regulations
                                      The Act only provides farmers with
                                      additional marketing opportunities
                                      outside existing APMCs
                                      Both the laws will co-exist for the
                                      common interest of farmers
       3      a.  “Infringement into   Inter-State trade falls within Entry
                 the States powers of   42 of Union List of the Constitution
                 making Legislation”  of India
              b.  “Encroachment in    Though intra-State trade falls
                 State Powers”        within Entry 26 of State List, the
                                      same is subject to Entry 33 of
                                      Concurrent List of Constitution of
                                      Central government is fully
                                      competent and empowered to
                                      legislate here
                                      Hence, no encroachment in State

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