Page 25 - Putting Farmers First
P. 25

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation),
 Act, 2020 – Freedom to Sell Farm Produce Across India

       S. No           MYTH                        REALITY
       4      a.  “Sufficient safeguard   Act provides sufficient elaborate
                 is not provided to   mechanism to protect the interest
                 protect the interest   of farmers
                 of farmers”          Simple, accessible, quick and
              b.  “Exploitation of    cost-effective dispute resolution
                 farmers by traders”  mechanism is prescribed for the
                                      farmers against traders to prevent
                                      and curb any unscrupulous acts

       5      “The Act doesn’t        Payment has to be made to
              safeguard farmer        the farmers on the same day or
              payments.               within three working days
              The commission agents   Deterring penal provisions have
              under APMC are          been put in place for traders to
              verified and payment is   curb any malpractices
              secured.”               The penalty provision against trader
                                      will act as determent against any
                                      fraudulent motives

       6      a.  “Revenue loss of    States/APMC continue to have
                 APMC mandis”         regulatory powers to impose mandi
              b.  “The Act will block   fees and other charges within
                 the ways for the state   markets
                 to generate revenue   APMC markets will continue to
                 from agriculture     operate and are not affected in any
                 trade and will lead   way by this reform
                 to the closure of
                 APMCs.”              In fact, APMC markets will become
                                      even more efficient to compete
                                      with other buyers and attract
                                      farmers to generate revenue
                                      APMC markets have understanding
                                      of farming patterns and their
                                      agents already have a connect with
                                      farmers. They will make APMCs
                                      more efficient and competitive

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