Page 46 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 46

               44 CHESS OLYMPIAD – INDIA IN
                                              THE SPOTLIGHT

                                           Chess Olympiad Torch Relay and
                                           it was a moment of pride for the
                                           entire country when FIDE President
                                           Arkady Dvorkovich handed over
                                           the torch to the Indian Prime
                                           Minister, who in turn bestowed
                                           me with the honour of carrying it
                                           forward as a mentor. This torch
                                           will be taken to 75 cities in a
                                           span  of  40  days  before  the  final
                                           culmination  at Mahabalipuram
                                           near Chennai. At every location,
            Viswanathan Anand
                                           the grandmasters of the state will
        International Chess Grandmaster    receive the torch.
                                           Even a few months back, we
                                           wouldn’t have imagined that India
                                           would  be organizing this historic
        India is emerging as a chess
                                           International Chess Olympiad. On
        powerhouse in the world.  With
                                           such a tight deadline of merely
        the 44  Chess Olympiad taking
                                           three months, it seemed close to
        place  for  the  first  time  in  India,
                                           impossible. But due to the diligent
        the game is actually returning
                                           efforts of the Government and the
        to its birthplace. The country has
                                           vision of the PM, I’m certain that we
        made rapid strides in if, tripling
                                           will be able to put up a great show.
        its grandmaster count in the last   The commitment of the Sports
        decade, which now stands at 74—
                                           Minister, the constant support of
        leaving an indelible mark  in the   the ministry, and the inaugural
        Chess world.                       launch by the PM himself make
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi       this a solemn occasion adding
        launched the historic torch relay   prestige to the initiative, and will
        for the 44  Chess Olympiad at      provide  more  and more visibility
        Indira Gandhi Stadium in New       to the sport.
        Delhi on 19 June. This year, for the   The Olympic Torch Relay is a
        very first time, International Chess   collective show of the pride India
        Federation, FIDE, has instituted the   takes in Chess. It is a game that
        Chess Olympiad Torch as a part     has origins in India. We have a
        of the Olympic tradition. India    new generation of chess players
        is  the  first  country  to  have  the   who are finding their place in the
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