Page 47 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 47

World’s elite. When they share     hoped to achieve. His attention to
        the dais with our esteemed         detail is something we strive for
        Prime Minister, there’s a sense of   in chess.  His  encouraging words,
        collective pride as a player, as a   “Give your hundred per cent with
        team, and as a nation.             zero per cent tension or pressure”,
                                           will  most  certainly  motivate the
        As a sportsperson, there are certain
                                           young   participants  to  move
        moments in your sporting career
        that stand out. I am sure when     forward in leaps and bounds for
                                           the Chess Olympiad commencing
        each of my team members saw
        the torch being lit at this historic   on 28  July.
        launch and shared the stage with   As India emerges as a sporting
        great visionaries of the country, it   nation, we as a country need to
        will be one of the moments that will   think of the importance of sports
        remain with them forever. During   for its citizens. Such a thought
        his speech, the PM called out each   process can happen only when
        of our names and mentioned our     the leader of the nation decides
        contribution to Indian chess. The   to make that shift in ideology.
        Prime Minister’s encouragement     Many   kinds  of  infrastructure
        and support for the game and       and grants are being provided
        each one of us is commendable.     to sportspersons to train. The
        I met our respected Prime Minister   Government   partners   with
        in 2010 when he was the Chief      organizations and corporates to
        Minister. We staged the Guinness   help maximize talent and results.
        World Record for the most number   Chessplayers also do benefit from
        of games played at a venue.        these initiatives. I hope the staging
        When we prepared for event, I met   of an event  such as the Chess
        him a few times more. He would     Olympiad will bring chess into the
        know all the facts and the details   home and hearth of every Indian.
        that were needed to be known       More  of our  youngsters would
        and was always willing to provide   feel motivated to represent their
        his support for the targets we had   country on the world stage.

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