Page 50 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 50

light for our future endeavours.   printed without approval, and
                                           when the famous singer Kishore
        Treading   on   the   path   of
                                           Kumar refused to applaud the
        democracy, the country held its
                                           Government, his songs were
        first  General  Elections  in  1952.
                                           banned on AIR and Doordarshan.
        Universal suffrage is considered
                                           Despite the ordeal and hardships,
        a sine qua non of democratic
                                           the democratic spirit of Indians
        rule and India lost no time after
                                           prevailed. As Prime Minister Modi
        gaining Independence to provide
                                           in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ proclaimed,
        this basic right to all its citizens.
                                           “For us, the people of India, the
        Since then, free and fair elections
                                           sanskars of democracy which
        to all the three tiers of Government
        have been a central feature of the   we have been carrying on for
        working of the largest democracy   centuries; the democratic spirit
        in the world.                      which is in our veins, finally won.
                                           The people of India got rid of the
        Article 21 of the Constitution of
                                           Emergency and re-established
        India states that “No person shall
                                           democracy in a democratic way.”
        be deprived of his life or personal
        liberty except according to a      India has shown that democracy
        procedure established by law.”     can deliver and has delivered.
        However, on 25 June, 1975, this    Today, India is moving fast on
        fundamental right of the citizens   building a strong foundation
        of the country was taken away.     for the next 25 years, following
        The imposition of Emergency        the Prime Minister’s mantra of
        for almost two years marked        ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka
        the dark period of democracy,      Vishwas, Sabka Prayaas’. The most
        when Indians faced brutal trials   important resolution related to this
        and tribulations. With the ‘Right   foundation is the creation of a New
        to Life and  Personal Liberty’     India  which  includes  all,  benefits
        wrenched away, the democratic      all, which is strong and also self-
        framework of the country was       reliant. The journey till now and
        endangered. The country’s courts,   ahead would not be possible
        constitutional institutions, and the   without the active participation
        press were put under control for   and vibrancy of ideas of its 1.3
        a 21-month period between 1975-    billion-strong population.
                                           Talking about its citizens, the Prime
        The condition of censorship        Minister once remarked that India
        was such that nothing could be     has a billion solutions to a million

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